A Message From the Director

As a representative of the non-believer community and the series creator, my desire to present an objectively honest and straight forward show cannot be over-stated. I grew up in a religious community, most of my family are people of faith as well as many of my dearest friends. I’m making this series for them just as much as I am making it for me.

I feel it also important to mention, this series will not be an attack on anyone’s beliefs, nor will it seek to mock religious practices or people of faith. Although we will explore the history and practices of Dominionism as the political strategy, we won’t neglect any opportunity to speak to people who advocate this philosophy. If a person believes in or supports the New Apostolic Reformation, we would like to hear why in their own words. Everyone will be given the opportunity to speak.

For me to attack people of faith would mean attacking members of my own family as well as some of my closest friends. I will not use this film as an excuse to show favoritism of any kind towards any belief system.

As for my own beliefs… I believe that I don’t care for the term, “Atheist”. As a non-believer myself, I find that word to be a narrow and limited way to describe the person I am. That is why I prefer to call myself a SKEPTIC; and as such, I feel I need to present a more inclusive message to the world in return. I do not paint all people of faith with the same color and I strive not to act in a way that would justify anyone painting me as a ‘typical non-believer’.

The way I see it, religion and faith aren’t going anywhere. My motivation is not to find new ways of convincing other people that I’m right when we disagree; but rather, finding new ways to relate and get along with those who are different from me. We have no choice in the matter. Regardless of where you think we end up when we die… we all have to share this planet while we’re still living.

–Albert Lopez, “Dominion” film director